Dorthy Molter Museum--Ely MN

I cannot believe September is already over! This is our 6th week on the Range already. We are enjoying it here more than we both thought we would. We are staying in a Villa/Townhome within Giants Ridge. Our place is on Wynne Lake. It is very peaceful and the leaves are changing--it is beautiful. Jason was able to stay here for three of the weeks and is now on his way back up here. He has enjoyed his home office--the commute is less than a minute. He just puts on his slippers and grabs a cup of coffee. Technology is a great thing. The phone system he has for work is amazing and allows him to communicate with his customers and have up to 3 on hold at one time. I guess it is called an IP phone.
I love my job. I am working at Range Mental Health Center (RMHC) providing outpatient therapy and doing psychological evaluations half of the time. The other half of my time is spent on a specific rotation. For these first three months, I am working with clients in RMHCs Community Support Programs. I have been helping co-lead two groups---a Dialectical Behavior Therapy group and a MI/CD (Mentally Ill/Chemically Dependent) group. They are both great experiences and l love them both. My schedule has been extremely busy--the way I like it. I see a wide range of clients from preschool to elderly. It feels wonderful to get up each morning and love where you have to spend your day.
We have been doing some sight-seeing. We went to Ely, MN one weekend. It is a nice town in very Northern MN. We witnessed a log rolling competition and an ax chopping competition. We couldn't make the trip without a visit to the Dorthy Molter Museum. If you ever have some free time you should read about this amazing lady (www.rootbeerlady.com). She lived in the Boundary Water Canoe Area--Knife Lake for 50 years and she made Root Beer for travelers who visited her. I love Root Beer so that is part of my interest in her. We have left the other tourist things in Ely to see when we have visitors.
We also spent one day in Chisholm MN at Iron World Discovery Center (www.ironworld.com). This is a museum full of information about the mining industry. They also have a trolly that gives you a birds-eye view of the Glen Mine.
We hope you all are doing well. Check back often because we will keep updating you with our ventures. -----Nicole & Jason