On Monday it was a cloudy/windy day so we decided no golf and made a day trip up to Ely. Ely is about an hour north of where we live and it is a nice town. We had lunch at the Chocolate Moose (with an anniversary gift certificate we received from Michelle and George). It was quite good, but the most interesting part of it was the number of people that were eating there that had just returned from the Boundary Waters. These people looked like they had been through hell and back. Their faces were beat red, they were dirty and they looked like they were starving. Remind me again please how that could be fun? I hear so many people say the Boundary Waters is fun, but it's not for my idea of a fun weekend. Anyway, hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend Continued....
I have 3 pictures to share with you from Sunday and Monday. On Sunday we got up, logged our miles on the trails and then headed to breakfast at the Quarry. From there we had an 11:40 tee time, we both played pretty well again, this time tying at 89. I was playing solidly until the last 2 holes where I had 4 penatly shots. I guess I got nervous as Nicole was so close to me. She broke 90 twice at the Quarry this weekend, which now means she has to back up and play the white tees, no more ladies tees. It isn't the length of the course that hurts her anyway, it is the putting, she will probably score no differently from the whites, it will just work different irons for her.
On Monday it was a cloudy/windy day so we decided no golf and made a day trip up to Ely. Ely is about an hour north of where we live and it is a nice town. We had lunch at the Chocolate Moose (with an anniversary gift certificate we received from Michelle and George). It was quite good, but the most interesting part of it was the number of people that were eating there that had just returned from the Boundary Waters. These people looked like they had been through hell and back. Their faces were beat red, they were dirty and they looked like they were starving. Remind me again please how that could be fun? I hear so many people say the Boundary Waters is fun, but it's not for my idea of a fun weekend. Anyway, hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend!
This is the view from #18 at the Quarry. This is also the view from their patio.
Nicole on the patio at the Quarry!
I always see this bar on the way to Ely, it is in Tower, MN and I always think it looks like a cool building. It may fall down at anytime, but certainly rustic. "The Iron Ore Bar"
On Monday it was a cloudy/windy day so we decided no golf and made a day trip up to Ely. Ely is about an hour north of where we live and it is a nice town. We had lunch at the Chocolate Moose (with an anniversary gift certificate we received from Michelle and George). It was quite good, but the most interesting part of it was the number of people that were eating there that had just returned from the Boundary Waters. These people looked like they had been through hell and back. Their faces were beat red, they were dirty and they looked like they were starving. Remind me again please how that could be fun? I hear so many people say the Boundary Waters is fun, but it's not for my idea of a fun weekend. Anyway, hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
What a beautiful weekend so far. Nicole and I are just relaxing up north enjoying our 2 weeks together. The month of June is going to be a long one as I have seminars 2/week the entire month. This means I am in Hudson the whole month, our longest stretch apart this last year. Our basement is getting to the point though that someone is needing to be there more often as we make decisions about colors, design changes, etc.. so it will be productive, just not a lot of fun alone for either of us.
We started yesterday out with breakfast at home, Nicole ran 6 miles and then we headed to Virginia. While in Virginia we went to "Mine In The Sky", which is the local tribute to the mining industry. It is a big mine pit overlooking the "Queen City" and some local mines donated some machinery for display. Nicole has a personal connection to this area as her grandfather John used to work in the mines and drove one of these trucks. Her uncle Paul was born in Virginia. I think the picture will do justice as to how large these trucks are. The question is, can you find Nicole in the picture?

This a picture of the Queen City from the "Mine in the Sky"
Some of the specifics about the truck!
"King Of The Lode" We don't know what that means!
After the mine view we stopped at Starbucks in Virginia and headed to The Pebble, which is the spa in Virginia.
Then we played golf at the Quarry (Golf Digest's #20 Best Golf Course in the US). It was a perfect day and we both played very well. FINALLY! I still was spraying the driver all over the course and racked up 7 penalty shots, but managed to shoot 84, and Nicole broke 90, a great score (88) on a difficult course. The signature hole at the Quarry is their finishing hole, #18. You hit a drive straight ahead 276 yards and it goes right at the water. Then the hole turns to the left to give you a panoramic view of the deepest mine pit on the Mesabi Range, 550 feet deep. It is full of water now and I don't know how/why but it is Caribbean blue. I'll take a picture of it this afternoon and post it tomorrow. I was too busy yesterday looking in the woods for my ball. I hit 3-wood straight left into the woods, hit a provisional with the 4-iron into the trees on the right, and then hit a 3rd provisional with the driver into the same trees on the right. Thank God I found the 1st one and only had to take 1 penalty shot or it would have been another double digit hole for me. This is my typical experience on the tee box. Brent, I hope you are reading and realize the monumental task you have in front of you!
Below are some pictures of the Quarry!
The Quarry is very rugged, everything is left natural

I took a big chunk out of my 7-iron on this swing. I hit a rock on my practice swing, but at least I didn't hurt my wrist. My buddy Tom Kingsley will appreciate this: I had 182 yards from this lie and I closed my eyes and hit the 7-iron to 7 feet. I always amaze Tom with my ability to score from God's worst places on the golf course. I just tell him I have the most practice from those places.
We started yesterday out with breakfast at home, Nicole ran 6 miles and then we headed to Virginia. While in Virginia we went to "Mine In The Sky", which is the local tribute to the mining industry. It is a big mine pit overlooking the "Queen City" and some local mines donated some machinery for display. Nicole has a personal connection to this area as her grandfather John used to work in the mines and drove one of these trucks. Her uncle Paul was born in Virginia. I think the picture will do justice as to how large these trucks are. The question is, can you find Nicole in the picture?
After the mine view we stopped at Starbucks in Virginia and headed to The Pebble, which is the spa in Virginia.
Then we played golf at the Quarry (Golf Digest's #20 Best Golf Course in the US). It was a perfect day and we both played very well. FINALLY! I still was spraying the driver all over the course and racked up 7 penalty shots, but managed to shoot 84, and Nicole broke 90, a great score (88) on a difficult course. The signature hole at the Quarry is their finishing hole, #18. You hit a drive straight ahead 276 yards and it goes right at the water. Then the hole turns to the left to give you a panoramic view of the deepest mine pit on the Mesabi Range, 550 feet deep. It is full of water now and I don't know how/why but it is Caribbean blue. I'll take a picture of it this afternoon and post it tomorrow. I was too busy yesterday looking in the woods for my ball. I hit 3-wood straight left into the woods, hit a provisional with the 4-iron into the trees on the right, and then hit a 3rd provisional with the driver into the same trees on the right. Thank God I found the 1st one and only had to take 1 penalty shot or it would have been another double digit hole for me. This is my typical experience on the tee box. Brent, I hope you are reading and realize the monumental task you have in front of you!
Below are some pictures of the Quarry!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
She Slayed The Dragon
Well, I remember writing on the blog a few weeks back about Nicole never beating me in 18 holes of golf. She has beaten me many times in 9 holes, but never 18 holes. Well, that feat came to an end yesterday. We are enjoying 2 weeks together at the Ridge and the golf season has begun up here. We can play either course up here at a discounted rate of $25.00, not bad considering both are in Golf Digests' top 100 Public Golf Courses in the US. So we played the last 2 days and she almost beat me on Sunday and then last night she got me. It wasn't a real celebration because neither of us played very well. If we would have both played well and she beat me then it would be more enjoyable, but we both are struggling with our games right now, especially me. My driver is a foreign object in my hands and I honestly have no clue where it is going. I have 4 lessons coming up with Brent in June and boy does he have his work cutout for him. I have to be cured by the week of June 11th as my big golf trip with the boys is coming up fast. We are going to take on the #3 Golf Course in the US twice that weekend and our games need to be READY! That course is called Whistling Straits and it's in Kohler, WI. The PGA Championship is going to be held there next year, it was last held there in 2004.
I am proud of her that she beat me, but needless to say I am not happy about it. I was the last of my buddies to fall to her. I'll get her this weekend. Congrats Nicole!
This picture says "I may be a pretty face, but I will kill you on the golf course"
This picture says "This guy dresses way better than he plays" except for that belly, what's up with that?
I am proud of her that she beat me, but needless to say I am not happy about it. I was the last of my buddies to fall to her. I'll get her this weekend. Congrats Nicole!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Gopher Seat Selection
Today at 11:00 a.m. was the day that Nicole and I got to select our seats for Gopher Football. It was a long awaited day. I have been watching all the seats get picked the last 3 days crossing off my 1st choice, 2nd choice as they disappear. Then finally today is our chance. Then at 9:00 a.m. our power goes out. I walked up to the office and asked them what was going on and they said they were doing some planned work and had to shut the power down, but didn't think anyone was staying here so didn't bother to tell anyone. Nice. Since I was the only one here, why would they care if I have to work or more importantly pick my Gopher seats. Luckily, the phone still worked so I called the ticket office at 10:58 and was ready to go. We ended up in Section 107, row 7. By the way they describe this to me it is about the goal line with a little angle toward the field. The big scoreboard is directly to our right which is the open end of the new stadium. It is getting exciting to see Gopher Football outside again. Go Gophers!
Golf Pictures
On Saturday Nicole and I golfed 36 holes. We haven't done this since high school, and we were very sore the next day. At 8:00 a.m. we teed off with my college friend Mark Escen and his cousin. Mark has lived in Switzerland for the last 3 years and whenever he makes the trip back to the states we play 18 holes at Troy Burne. He tells me it is his favorite course in the Twin Cities (not sure if he just says that or really thinks it). We had a great day, Mark had not played in a year and it showed as he was very rusty and let's just say Troy Burne got the best of him.
Nicole took pleasure in beating him as she does everyone of my friends. She has beaten everyone of my friends except for my brother Ryan. Oh, and she hasn't beaten me in 18 holes yet either, 9 holes many times. Ryan, if we aren't careful this could be the year in which we both go down, so I advise you to take the same strategy that I have, never play 18 holes with her. :)
Saturday afternoon Nicole played with Kari Roiger (brother Ryan's fiancee) behind the guys who were playing for Jeb's birthday. Take a look at the picture below of Kari's shot on number 13. This is a tough par 3 with water all along the left side. She made a birdie, I believe her 1st birdie.

Nicole took pleasure in beating him as she does everyone of my friends. She has beaten everyone of my friends except for my brother Ryan. Oh, and she hasn't beaten me in 18 holes yet either, 9 holes many times. Ryan, if we aren't careful this could be the year in which we both go down, so I advise you to take the same strategy that I have, never play 18 holes with her. :)
Saturday afternoon Nicole played with Kari Roiger (brother Ryan's fiancee) behind the guys who were playing for Jeb's birthday. Take a look at the picture below of Kari's shot on number 13. This is a tough par 3 with water all along the left side. She made a birdie, I believe her 1st birdie.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Birthday Weekends
The last 2 weekends for us have been excellent. The weekend of April 25th, my youngest brother Andrew turned 21. The whole family went out for dinner at Ike's (home of the $14.00 hamburger). The burgers were good, but come on, $14.00. They also charge $14.00 for a glass of Cabernet for Nicole and it was a wine I never heard of and I like to think I am an educated oenophile. Other than being expensive, we had a great time. There were 10 of us including Andy, Brianne, Nicole, Jason, Ryan, Kari, Carlyn, Chad, Vid, and Mom! After Ike's Mom, Brianne, and Carlyn headed home and the rest of us worked our way to some cool bars downtown. We started at Brit's Pub, which was busy, but the lawn bowling was not open. We then went to the Living Room at the W Hotel which was very happening and packed. I think Andy liked this place the best, mostly because they made a mistake on his Mojito order and gave him 2 for the price of 1.
We then went up 27 floors to Prohibition which is a great bar (my favorite) that has great views of the city. It too was packed and didn't allow a group our size a spot to sit. So we stood and visitied for a while before finishing the night off at Chambers' 5th floor lounge called, "The Red, White and !@#$king Blue Lounge! It was very loud but did give some neat photo ops of Hennepin Avenue. At the Living Room we met up with my boss and friend Mark Schultz and his wife Karen. They were celebrating their 17th Anniversary and were staying at the W. This meant more free drinks for Andrew! Overall, we had a blast of an evening, but I'll say this: I'm too old to close the bars down and didn't get to bed until 3:30. The weekend of May 3rd we had 2 more birthdays to celebrate. Nicole's youngest sister Allison also turned 21. They came out to our home in Hudson in the morning before spending a beautiful day at Billy's on Grand Ave. May 3rd also marked the 34th birthday of our friend Jeb Wilson. You all know Jeb (Jeb, is that a good thing that everyone knows you)?
We played golf on Saturday to celebrate Jeb's birthday with 7 friends and then had 16people over to our home afterwards for brats and porketta (trying to increase demand for pork after the H1N1 flu debachle).
Also on Sunday May 3rd we had our 1st tournament of the year at Troy Burne. It was a 2-man Best Ball tournament and I'm not so proud to say that my partner and friend Matt Layman finished last. We both had off days, really off days. I shot 91, my highest round in the last 2 years. It's time to get serious! My friend Tom Kingsley and his partner Scott Nelson won the tournament. Tom shot his career round at Troy Burne, a 71. This is no small feat in itself and especially with the wind conditions we played in on Sunday, wow, very impressive.
Nicole and I are back on the range this week trying to decide on which job offer is the best for her. She had another interview yesterday in New Brighton, and has her last one next week.
We'll be heading to Springfield this coming weekend for Mother's Day!

This is my brother Ryan buying Andy his 1st beer (Leinie's Honey Weiss). I think Ryan looks surprised by the $7.00 price tag for a Leinie's.

The Birthday Group
Andy getting carded for his beer purchase!

Andy and his girlfriend Brianne
Andy and I on the deck at Chambers Hotel
We then went up 27 floors to Prohibition which is a great bar (my favorite) that has great views of the city. It too was packed and didn't allow a group our size a spot to sit. So we stood and visitied for a while before finishing the night off at Chambers' 5th floor lounge called, "The Red, White and !@#$king Blue Lounge! It was very loud but did give some neat photo ops of Hennepin Avenue. At the Living Room we met up with my boss and friend Mark Schultz and his wife Karen. They were celebrating their 17th Anniversary and were staying at the W. This meant more free drinks for Andrew! Overall, we had a blast of an evening, but I'll say this: I'm too old to close the bars down and didn't get to bed until 3:30. The weekend of May 3rd we had 2 more birthdays to celebrate. Nicole's youngest sister Allison also turned 21. They came out to our home in Hudson in the morning before spending a beautiful day at Billy's on Grand Ave. May 3rd also marked the 34th birthday of our friend Jeb Wilson. You all know Jeb (Jeb, is that a good thing that everyone knows you)?
We played golf on Saturday to celebrate Jeb's birthday with 7 friends and then had 16people over to our home afterwards for brats and porketta (trying to increase demand for pork after the H1N1 flu debachle).
Also on Sunday May 3rd we had our 1st tournament of the year at Troy Burne. It was a 2-man Best Ball tournament and I'm not so proud to say that my partner and friend Matt Layman finished last. We both had off days, really off days. I shot 91, my highest round in the last 2 years. It's time to get serious! My friend Tom Kingsley and his partner Scott Nelson won the tournament. Tom shot his career round at Troy Burne, a 71. This is no small feat in itself and especially with the wind conditions we played in on Sunday, wow, very impressive.
Nicole and I are back on the range this week trying to decide on which job offer is the best for her. She had another interview yesterday in New Brighton, and has her last one next week.
We'll be heading to Springfield this coming weekend for Mother's Day!
This is my brother Ryan buying Andy his 1st beer (Leinie's Honey Weiss). I think Ryan looks surprised by the $7.00 price tag for a Leinie's.
The Birthday Group
Andy getting carded for his beer purchase!
Andy and his girlfriend Brianne
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