Nicole and I headed to Springfield on Wednesday night. We wanted to get there safe ahead of the storm. It turned out to be a good plan as the storm was much heavier in that part of the state. While we were there from Wed night to Friday morning they had at least 12 inches and probably closer to 18 inches. We laid low on Wednesday night. On Thursday the markets were open until noon so I was tied down with that, but Nicole went to the grocery store to help her dad. It was very busy at the grocery store over the holidays with all the snow. I think people were "stocking up" just in case they got really snowed in. We got the Saab stuck twice in my mom's driveway over the two days we were home. The low clearance and bald tires were a terrible combination. We need to get the snow tires on apparently.
On Thursday night we spent Christmas Eve at Nicole's parents. All her sisters and niece and nephew were there which was nice. The Tauer's were nice enough to invite my brother Andrew and my mom over to celebrate with their family. We all had a great evening. On Friday we fretted about trying to get back to Hudson or if we were going to wait out the storm in Springfield and then make our way to Hudson on Saturday. We decided that we wanted to get back on Friday so we slowly worked our way home. The worst stretch was from Nicollet to St. Peter but after that the roads were very good.
My brother Andrew and I shoveled out the driveway when we got home. It was a much different storm in the metro than it was in SW MN. The snow up here was heavy and wet while at home it was much lighter and more plentiful. Friday night we had a traditional Christmas dinner, Chinese! It was about the only restaurant open in the Twin Cities on Christmas Day so Andy, Nicole, Mom, and I ate sesame chicken and egg rolls for Christmas. We also went to a movie at the Hudson Theatre. It was a great night, we laughed a lot at the movie. We saw It's Complicated with Merle Streep and Alec Baldwin, funny!
On Saturday we had an armoire delivered so Andy and I spent the morning getting that situated in the bedroom while Nicole and mom started preparing the feast for Saturday evening.
People started arriving at 4:30 and we had appetizers. Nicole made Potato Leek soup, a new recipe she has and it is great. She also had her won tons (we are tired of won tons and taking a break from them). We also drank some good wine and talked for a few hours before dinner. It was good to catch up with everyone. Dinner went well, all the food was great, too much of it as usual, but that's good for me as I get leftovers for the week. After dinner we had a nice prayer where each of the kids lit a candle and said a prayer for our Dad. This Christmas was tough for everyone, especially mom. We kept her busy and being together sure helps us all get through the tough times. We love you mom!
Mom got a nice surprise for Christmas this year. We presented her with a cruise option of choice so she has to decide where she wants to go. I think all the kids are going to make the cruise except my sister Shelly and her family. They are traveling too much this year to fit in another week. They are going to Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii so I don't think they'll cruise with us, but we should have the rest of the family available. It is going to be great! Mom, let's do the Caribbean, the one Ryan hasn't done yet! Not sure if that is Western or Eastern.
All the nieces and nephews had nice gifts and we enjoyed a nice evening together.
Merry Christmas everyone!

My family
In front my 3 brothers from left to right, Ryan (34), Andrew (21), Chad (43)
In back my sister Shelly (41), Mom (50 and holding) and me (31)

All the nieces with Andrew and Ethan
Clockwise Chandler (14 Stanford Sweatshirt), Ethan (6), Morgan (7), Lauren (10), Carlyn (10), Andrew in the middle