Happy New Year's Day to Everyone. Emily, Ryan, and Hattie arrived about 7:30 last evening. After we got everything unpacked, we went to eat at The Lodge and then watched the ball drop on TV. Even Hattie made a good attempt at trying to stay up until the new year. We hit the slopes around noon today and skied until 6:30pm. We all got some practice in before our trip to Jackson Hole, WY one week from today. Hattie was such a good baby just hanging out in the Chalet all day watching all the people. I tried to capture on video Jason and Ryan Ritchie doing a few jumps, which are below. It is definetely 'home video' quality and it was getting dark when I took it. Emily and Ryan hadn't skiied in ten years and they both got back into the hang of it quickly. We tried a new recipe this evening and just took it easy. We are looking forward to our massages tomorrow to relieve some of our sore muscles.
Jason and Ryan's first attempt at the jump.
The 2nd attempt at the jump.Jason and Ryan's first attempt at the jump.
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