I made it through the day! It actually went way better than I thought it would. The boys were very cooperative and all must have taken their medications this morning. This group of boys is ADHD at its finest. I was able to bribe them with Skittles and they actually listened to me and discussed things for 2 hours! Then I found some active fun things for them to do for the remaining hour. So what was one of their ideas of fun....yep, none other than Toilet Tag. Anyone else ever heard of it or played it as a teenager? It is probably a "Range Thing."
I know I said I was only going to take 1 picture a day, but today I took 2! I just love old signs on businesses so I found one in Eveleth and one in Gilbert. I will try to hit up a few in Virginia tomorrow.
no idea what toilet tag is? explain...
Basically it is like "freeze tag" so if someone tags you, you have to freeze squatting down with you hand out so someone else can come by and "flush you" and then you are free to run around again. By the end of group, I didn't care what they played.
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