Zander and his mommie...he was so excited to DANCE, talking about it since 5Am and then when the dance started, he wanted to go home and watch cartoons.
This past weekend we went to Springfield for another wedding. This one was for Mike and Jen Altermatt (Amsden). She is Nicole's cousin. It was a very nice wedding and nice to see the Tauer family as usual.
We made the trek home Friday night after Nicole met me in Hudson from up north. She took a quick look at the basement (only a couple weeks left, fingers crossed) and then we met our neighbors Brian and Dina Gagne in Woodbury for some sushi before heading to Springfield. We rolled into Springfield at about 1:00 a.m.
On Saturday morning, my mother, brothers Andrew and Chad and sister Shelly went to New Ulm, MN to pick out a headstone for Hap. We found a beautiful stone and we think it is going to be a great memorial of our dad/husband.
We danced the night away on Saturday (pictures to follow) and then on Sunday we got up at 5:30 a.m. to head back to Hudson. I was in another golf tournament today, this time only 14 players (Seven 2-man teams). My partner and I (Chad Greenquist, friend and neighbor) took 2nd out of 7 teams. We played great, Chad more so than me as I was a tad tired after such a late night on Saturday. It was another great weekend and great to see Nicole's family again. Hattie and Zander are growing up each day and it sure makes this uncle feel good when I see both of them and get big hugs. I'm sure Auntie Coco feels the same way!
This week I'm going to FarmFest on Wednesday for a seminar and then heading up north for a few days. My mom, brother Ryan and his fiance Kari are coming up this coming weekend to play the golf courses!
Have a great week!
Sisterwich (sister sandwich)...we had just a great time together dancing and taking a lot of pictures, posing for photographer Jason. Can you believe we took 250 pictures!
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