Friday night we went golfing with Ashley and Allison. It was Ashley's 1st time golfing so we decided to scramble. We got the rental "left handed" clubs from Troy Burne and headed out. After a few holes of figuring it out Ashley started to hit the ball and not too bad to be honest. She needs more practice of course, but she'll get it. Ally already plays golf pretty well so we had a good time. Weather wasn't great, kind of gray and dreary, but it didn't rain on us. Ashley had a plan to take a cool picture on the golf course to send to her friend Victor in Sweden, so I put some of the pictures below:

Ash thought teeing off this way might be easier!

Ashley found putting this way easier

After golf we had the Wilson's over for dinner. We grilled hot dogs for Jeb, Kaylan, and I and the other girls made pasta, Ashley and Nicole were getting ready for their race on Saturday morning so they wanted some carbohydrates. We enjoyed spending time with Ashley and Allison, come back anytime.
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