This weekend we had our friends and neighbors from Troy Burne up to visit us at the Range. Our guest were Jeb and Kaylan Wilson, and Brian and Dina Gagne.
They arrived about 7:30 Friday evening after a stop along the way at The Black Bear Casino to satisfy Kaylan's "slot machine addiction". I guess she and Dina were the only winners.
Jeb and Kaylan just got back from California at 5:00 a.m. Friday morning, but were troopers enough to make the trip to visit us. That means that we had some great wines to drink from their trip, and let's just say, "they got drank".
On Friday night we visited the Lodge at Giants Ridge for dinner.
Saturday morning was a "Day at the Spa" for the ladies and a golf day for the men.
I hear the spa was nice, the women came back relaxed and beautiful from their facials, body scrubs, hot rock something or other and massages. Let's get to the good part. The Golf. We played the Legend at Giants Ridge. It was unbelievable, mostly because of the color. The leaves were in perfect color and with the water and woods it was hard to concentrate on golf, AND OUR SCORES PROVED THAT. At least that's our excuse anyway. I was beaten by both my guests, I shot a 95, and Brian and Jeb shot 94. Jeb and I nearly ran out of golf balls as our balls frequently found the woods, neither of us have ever hit the driver so badly. Brian handled the driver very well, but his chipping was another story. He is very good at a game we played as kids called Annie Annie OVER!
Oh yeah, another quick story. If you have been following our blog you will know that our grouse hunting was a shutout, well I am proud to say (well it was kind of sad) but ironic that the boys of Troy Burne got a grouse this weekend. As we drove into the parking lot at the clubhouse a grouse flew into the driver's side window of Brian's Jeep. It scared the crap out of us and killed the grouse. 3 days of hunting and no grouse, 1 day of golfing and we get a grouse.
The girls made some amazing food on Saturday afternoon and evening and everyone had a great time. Dina makes a Brie cheese caramel dish that is wonderful, Kaylan made artichoke dip that was also wonderful and then we had Nicole's "almost famous" Barbera Wine Roast.
On Sunday we went to Ely, MN to the Bear Center and to the International Wolf Center. Both were very interesting and fun to learn about 2 species that inhabit this beautiful part of the state.
Enjoy the pictures and thanks to our friends for coming to visit us. We had a great time.
Jason & Nicole
1 comment:
Sounds like a perfect weekend - poor golf and all! Those colors are beautiful!
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