Well, our 1st day of grouse hunting was interesting. First, I didn't carry a gun because a small game's license was $85.00 (out of state). I decided that I would rather spend my money on golf (and with the stock market action this week who knows if there's any $ left). Anyway, I walked along with George and Joe (avid, hell, pro hunters) in the Superior National Forest. We walked for 3 hours along old logging roads and the scenery was beautiful, the company wasn't bad either. The first chance we had was about 5 minutes into the trail and it flushed to our left, George spun and fired. The brush was heavy and "those suckers are fast". Joe yells, "did you get it", and George says, "I'm not sure". Well we looked around for about 5 minutes and decided he missed so we kept walking. We flushed out 3 more, all too fast for our two pro hunters. :)
3 hours later we decided walleye fishing was less work, but we tipped our cap to grouse hunters everywhere, because it is much tougher than we thought. We also decided that in about a month when there is less tree cover from the leaves that it would be slightly easier.
Walleye fishing was much more of a success. Anyway, that's all for now, it was another beautiful day in Northern, MN. We are now cooking our walleye and preparing for a men vs. women game of Pictionary. I don't like our chances.
Jason and Nicole,
Where is Bella when you need her! She would have got those birds no problem. I have learned to rely on her pretty heavily with my sniper shooting. Ha!
My assistant made the little blanket for the baby. You don't know how much controversy that blanket has caused the general public with her initials on the blanket. Oh well you all will hear the name soon enough.
I had a dream last night.... I dreamt that we went in and had the baby. First of all the baby was not a girl. So I had to run home and repaint the pink wall. The baby boy weighed 11 lbs 4 oz, it had teeth, and was already talking back to me! What a nightmare!
Anyway, I love the blog. Take care!
Welcome to Parenthood, i guess! We died laughing about your "nightmare".
Bella was along and she has failed them as well. They are out there now. We have a bet back here that they have not got one, but are being stubborn. They are having a hard to dealing with the fact that the grouse are faster than them. I think it has been a humbling experience for them. They have been successful catching walleyes.
We are excited to meet baby. Keep us updated.
Jason and Nicole
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