Head first into the trees! (It was a little tight and I was going too fast)

We found a trail through the woods and stopped for some pictures.

We enjoyed another beautiful weekend at Giants Ridge. While weather across the state of MN was windy and snowy, we had beautiful weather up here. My parents were stuck in Springfield so our family Christmas scheduled for today had to be postponed. We went skiing Saturday and it was perfect conditions and weather. 20 degrees and a fresh 4 inches. Saturday night we went to Virginia to get some longer ski poles for Nicole and to finish some Christmas shopping at Target (Starbucks' fix too). We relaxed after that and today we are going to watch some football, ski a little and then I have to head for Hudson for a meeting at the office tomorrow. Nicole works through Tuesday, I have to work until Wednesday and then we are heading to Springfield to be with our families for the holidays. We have Jeb and Kaylan Wilson coming up the 26th for another ski weekend and we are looking forward to that as well.
We received an exciting call on Friday night from my brother Ryan. He asked his girlfriend Kari to marry him and she said yes! She was very surprised and to hear my brother tell the story made our weekend. We love Kari and her son Ethan very much and are very excited to have them in our family.
Happy Holidays to our friends and families! Safe travels to everyone.
The picture of J falling into the trees is hilarious. Looks like something I would do. Well let's hope not or I might not be skiing much in Wyoming.
that was a staged fall for comic relief.
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