We all went to the Pebble Spa on Friday. Nicole and Kaylan each had their toenails done along with a foot scrub, and Jeb had his hands done (yes guys, Jeb had his hands dipped in wax and his fingernails done). He wanted fingernail polish but I had to step in and put an end to it. :) Then all of us had massages. After a relaxing afternoon at the spa we came home and cooked a nice dinner. The Pictionary game was a split with the boys taking game 1, but getting blown out in game 2. We then played Tiger Woods Golf on Wii and the boys dominated.
Saturday was a ski day. After a slow start to the day (Friday night quickly became 3:00 a.m. Saturday morning) Jeb and I hit the slopes at about 10:00 a.m. Jeb, an accomplished ski racer in high school (10th in the state if anyone cares) did not look rusty at all. He is so big on skis that you would think he would be clumsy, but not even a little bit. He actually has a lot of skill on the ski hills and left me very impressed! The snow conditions that I had been bragging about turned sticky because of how warm it was both Friday and Saturday. We skiied for a few hours before the ladies joined us. Kaylan hadn't skiied in 10 years and she did just fine.
The ski hills were very busy and there was live music at the Chalet so it was an event filled day, and we had a great time.
We skiied until about 6:00 p.m. and then decided to head to Biwabik for pizza at Vi's. Jeb has not been to Vi's since it was redone in April (he remembered it as a dumpy bar), but it has been redone very nicely. Well, we decided to split $20.00 in pulltabs while we waited for our pizza. Kaylan picked the 20 tickets and then handed out 5 to each of us. Kaylan won $2.00, I was down to my 4th ticket and I opened it up to find a "nice winner". It was $150.00. We all were excited and examining the ticket while Jeb is quietly sitting with his tickets. We just assumed that since he didn't say anything that we had won with my ticket and with Kaylan's ticket. Kaylan was to collect the winnings and Jeb slyly says, what about my $106.00 winner. We couldn't believe it. Our $20.00 had turned into $258.00. Now, here is where it got interesting! Kaylan went to collect the winnings and the guy behind the bar asked for her ID. She gives it to him and he says that they can't pay out anymore than $50.00 to someone without a MN driver's license. Luckily Jeb met a high school friend who was sitting at the table next to us (totally random meeting too). He had a MN driver's license and went and collected the winnings for us. We were very excited about our good fortune. Out of curiosity when we got home that night we looked up the MN statute on pulltabs and no where in there did it say anything about a $50.00 max payout to someone from outside MN. We believe they were trying to take advantage of Mrs. Wilson, but we prevailed! Check out some of the pictures from the weekend!
We enjoyed some nice wines and mostly each others company!
Our golf coach and friend Brent Snyder would be proud that we are working on our games in the offseason!
Just one of the many races I won against Jeb!
The Red Baron
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