Monday, June 7, 2010

It's JUNE Already!

This past Friday after work, Jason and I went out to play 9 holes, which we finished in one hour! We both played well. I shot my lowest score yet--40! It so easily could have been 37, 38, or 39 so I was a little bummed. I had 2 puts that stopped right next to the hole and were centimeters from falling in. I guess that is what keeps you going back.

On Saturday, we had our annual neighborhood picnic. It was a great turn out with about 100 people. We met some new families and one in particular that we are looking forward to getting to know. Tim and Cathy Renken moved into their new home in April from Tampa, FL and they have a 12 week old son Samuel. He is so cute and never made a peep the whole picnic. Jason and Tim have been golfing together already. I am hoping Cathy will be able to join us on Tuesdays for Women's league, which by the way has been rained out every time. For some reason Mother Nature feels the women shouldn't get their day, but it is always nice for the men on Thursdays. Jason and I organized the Couple's Golf for Saturday afternoon after the picnic, but we were rained out. We were looking forward to it because we had 16 couples signed up.

On Sunday, I helped host a baby shower for my good friend and neighbor, Kaylan Wilson. She and her husband Jeb are expecting their first baby in mid-July. It was a beautiful day, until it started raining again and a good turn out. Kaylan received some very nice gift and I think they are set to baby Wilson. I made her a diaper cake with the Hungry Caterpillar theme. I also tried out my sewing abilities and made some burpies and my stable, a knitted hat which has been my favorite thus far. Jason and Jeb had a fun-filled day of golfing. Jason was out of the house by 6:40 AM and didn't return until a little nagging at 6:30 PM! They played 27 holes and I think talked to every person that golf that day I think.

Diaper Cake and Kaylan with all her gifts to be opened!

Hope everyone is doing well!

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