Friday, June 18, 2010

Thanks For The Help Michelle!

Nicole's mom Michelle came over yesterday and Nicole had the day off so they washed windows at the house for 4 hours. It is such a big job and one that is not fun. We have been putting it off and putting it off and finally Michelle motivated Nicole to get the job done. Thanks so much for your help Michelle. They look great. We have to get a tall ladder to do 3 windows, otherwise they got the rest. We also had our favorite nephew Zander over and he is ever changing. He is so smart it is scary. Here are a couple examples:
I came home about 5 p.m. and he was watching cartoons and he was wearing a tank top and I noticed he was red from the sun, so I said, Z, it looks like you got a sunburn, where were you? He says, "in the sun". Funny! Then he was on the deck eating some watermelon and my neighbor Dave was on his way to the driving range walking across the backyard and he yells out, Hey Dave! Oh, it made Dave's day for Z to remember him. Dave loves kids and Z remembered him. It was good to see Ashley too. We haven't seen her in a while and she is now working back in Mpls, so we hope to see her more.
Yesterday was also a big day as Nicole's diploma came via FedEx. It was surreal to see it and hold it after Nicole has worked so hard for so long. I am always gushing about her and I know it gets old but I am so proud of her. She works so hard and I love her so much.
The diploma came in an ugly green leather (possibly pleather) case so we will be getting a nice frame for it. Now, where to hang it? She doesn't have a permanent office, so we're not sure yet where it should go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was very special to be there when the mail person delivered her diploma. We are so very proud of her, as we are of all the girls, but it was very nice to see it in her hand for the first time. the window washing really didn't seem like 4 hours as Nicole & I got to visit while we worked, something we hadn't got to do for awhile. Mom