Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Corn, wedding, and more corn

We had a great weekend. On Friday I had a customer bring us some sweet corn from south of Rochester. He loaded up a truckload which was 100 dozen and delivered it to our office. We split the truckload between my coworker Luke and I. We gave about 20 dozen away to people at the office who wanted some, but we each took 40 dozen home on Friday. So when we got home on Friday night we drove around Troy Burne like the corn fairy and delivered corn to all our friends. Even after giving away as much as we possibly could we still had 12 dozen left for ourselves. We decided we would try freezing some which we have never done. It was a lot of work for very little corn in our view, but we'll have some frozen now for the next year if/when we want to eat corn. This occupied our Friday evening.

Saturday was a big day. I played in a golf tournament early in the morning. Nicole played casually with Brent, Courtney, and Kyle Snyder. I finished golfing at 12:45 and needed to be in Edina for John Jeske's wedding by 2:00 p.m. It was a quick shower and on the road for a beautiful wedding. We had a great time catching up with old friends and it was so good to see John. The ceremony was held at their church in Edina called Christ The King. They were married Catholic even though John was raised Lutheran, he went to the same church I did growing up. After the ceremony we had about 2 hours before the reception social hour began so Nicole, my mom, and I went to 50th and France and did some shopping. Well, Nicole did some shopping while my mom and I sat on the couch at Anthropologie and drank coffee.
We went to Silverwood Park up in St. Anthony for the reception and it was a beautiful place. It overlooked a lake and had a beautiful patio. The weather was perfect.

On Sunday Troy Burne was shutdown for a big tournament so we went and played a private club in St. Paul called Hillcrest Golf Club. It was Nicole, Jeb and I. We grilled hamburgers and had more sweet corn when we got home and our neighbors Brian and Dina came over for dessert. We had a nice evening outside.

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