Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Snoozer

We went next door to Brian and Dina's last night. It was the Wilson's and Gagnes. Everyone is doing well, we watched some football and ate Red Savoy pizza. We played a fun new game called Smart Ass, it is a new board game and it is basically a trivia game. We then played Pictionary, guys vs. girls. The men started strong and then FADED and we lost, such a bummer. I am serioulsy the worst pictionary player that exists. We are going to have a neighborhood playoffs at the end of January and I "pity the fool" who draws me as a partner. I couldn't draw a dog or a cat to save my life.
Today Nicole and I slept in, which for us is 8:00 a.m. We went to the Y for some running and then we made breakfast at home. We took a nap this afternoon during the first football game and have been watching the Packers/Cardinals this afternoon and evening. We are having chili tonight, a recipe out of cooking light.
I have a busy week of work this week, 2 seminars, one on Tuesday in Clear Lake, IA, and one on Thursday in Rochester. Tomorrow night is Couples Recipe Club at the Porter's and it is Super Bowl Party Recipes. Everyone who comes brings a recipe with 20 copies to distribute. Nicole is making Orange "Chipolte Spice" Pecan Mix. We'll see how it goes.
Thank God it is going to warm up this week. Enjoy the weather!

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