Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Brent

Our good friend and favorite golf pro Brent Snyder turned 30 yesterday. What a beautiful day it was. Weather was perfect and we had a great time. He and Courtney had the day off so they played golf and after work Nicole and I, his parents Bill and Paula and his only brother Kyle all met for dinner. I think it was Bill who chose the restaurant, but it was a very cool place and I never would have heard of it or found it. It was called the Red Stag Supper Club and is located in NE Mpls. I got there 1 hour before everyone else as I was already downtown. We had some great appetizers and everyone's food was very good except Kyle and I had some questionable hamburgers. I didn't hear Kyle complain, but he's not really the complaining type, and I'm really not either, but it's pretty hard to ruin a hamburger and this one didn't taste right. It was a different type of beef than I have ever eaten called Limousin beef and it tasted much different than regular beef that I have ever had.
I had one embarrassing moment, leave it to me to embarrass myself. We were getting rid of appetizer plates and Brent handed me one, and then handed me another and for some reason my wrist buckled and I dropped the plate. It wasn't the loud crash that was embarrassing, it was a glass of water spilled all over the table and right into the BIRTHDAY BOY'S LAP. He had the quick dry pants on from JCrew, but his seat was wet even after dinner. So, great company, great friends, cool place, but a wet front and back for Mr. Snyder. Sorry Brent! They were giving me a hard time because I was at the bar for an hour before everyone got there saying that is why I dropped the plate, but I would never admit that. It was just heavier than I thought it was going to be, nothing broke or anything, just water!
After dinner we went back to Bill and Paula's house in Stillwater and had dessert, which Courtney made from scratch. It was a Mississippi Mud Pie and it was very good, very rich. It was a great evening to be with friends helping Brent celebrate his 30th b-day. Happy Birthday bud!

1 comment:

the ritchie's said...

Happy Birthday Brent!!